Jesse waited outside at the Anands’. Ravi went inside to pick up the van keys. Mr. Anand was in the shower. Mrs. Anand was glued to the six o’clock news on the TV. She didn’t move. She didn’t budge when the doorbell rang; it was Reshma who opened the front door.
Ravi found his mother gripping her chest with both hands, her mouth open, her lower lip moist, her double chin appearing two sizes larger than it truly was. There were brown and black spotted cows mooing on the television. The female news anchor said that the first case of mad cow disease was discovered in Alberta, leading the U.S. and other major countries to close their gates to Albertan beef.
The cows finally fought back, Mrs. Anand thought.
“Mom,” said Ravi.
Mrs. Anand looked up at her son and smiled.
“Hear that? Now everyone will think twice before they eat cows.”
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